
Dedicated to stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector.


Horizon 2020


Coordination and Support Action (CSA)


09/2020 – 02/2023

Overall Budget

999,980.00 €



El objetivo general de BUSLeague es estimular la demanda de mano de obra cualificada en eficiencia energética, y favorecer el aumento de profesionales que dispongan de dichas habilidades a lo largo de todo el proceso, desde la fase de diseño y construcción hasta el uso y mantenimiento del edificio.

Para ello, BUSLeague desarrollará e implementará un reconocimiento europeo de habilidades energéticas, y mejorará algunos de los métodos y técnicas de capacitación ya desarrollados con éxito en iniciativas anteriores de la UE y nacionales, como BUILD UP Skills y Construction Skills. Cada país participante establecerá un “Plan Nacional de Implementación” que combinará medidas para estimular la demanda y, a su vez, mejorará la práctica de la mano de obra involucrada.

BUSLeague se centra en una combinación de cuatro elementos: reconocimiento mutuo de habilidades energéticas, concienciación, desarrollo de capacidades y cambios legislativos. Además, BUSLeague se complementa con la labor de investigadores en antropología y tecnología educativa para demostrar el impacto y optimizar las combinaciones que estimulen la demanda y optimicen la transferencia de conocimiento aplicado.

Sigue el proyecto BUSLeague: Web, Twitter, LinkedIn

The overall aim of BUSLeague is to address and overcome the challenges of the stimulation of demand for energy skilled workforce (demand side), along with hands-on capacity building to increase the number of skilled workforce across the building design, operation and maintenance value chain (supply side).

BUSLeague will achieve this objective by developing and implementing a cross European recognition of energy skills, together with upscaling successful training methods and techniques which have already been developed in previous EU and National initiatives such as BUILD UP Skills, Construction Skills. Implementation will be done at country specific and regional levels; based on a blend of measures to stimulate demand complimented with hands-on and practical upskilling of involved local and regional workforce.

BUSLeague focusses on a blend of four elements: mutual recognition of energy skills, awareness raising, capacity building and legislative changes. BUSLeague is strengthened by experienced anthropology researchers and educational technology researchers in order to prove impact and to optimize the blends for stimulating demand and optimizing learning transfer of applied learning means and materials.

Follow BUSLeague project: Web, Twitter, LinkedIn

Coordinadores – Coordinators

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 892894.

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