Power Nearly Zero Energy Challenge.

Research and Innovation Projects
04/2012 – 04/2015
Overall Budget
2.167.688 €
Referencia / Reference
Contract number – IEE-11-007-SI2.615921
Organizaciones de vivienda pública, gestionan y / o poseer el 12% del parque residencial Europeo y son los únicos actores que tienen la base financiera y el interés en llevar las viviendas existentes hacia los estándares de energía casi nulo.
Cualquier plan de trabajo eficaz para la renovación y nueva construcción con estándares de energía casi-Cero requiere una combinación de medidas que abarquen cuestiones financieras, técnicas, legales y de organización. Es preciso redirigir la fuerza de trabajo en todos los niveles en el sector de la construcción para asegurar una transición energética justa.
Housing Europe ha reunido en esta iniciativa a las federaciones de viviendas clave para generar una plataforma permanente de intercambio de conocimientos, donde el Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación ha participado en colaboración con la Asociación Española de Vivienda Social.
Europe’s Public, Cooperative & Social housing organisations are managing and/or owning 12% of the European residential stock and are the only actors who have the financial base and the interest to bring existing homes towards nearly-Zero Energy standards.
Any effective Roadmap to nearly-Zero Energy Building renovation and new construction requires a combination of measures covering financial, technical, legal and organisational issues. Training of the workforce at all level of the building chain, is also another key factor to secure a fair energy transition.
Housing Europe through the POWER HOUSE Nearly Zero Energy Challenge initiative brought together at European level the Housing Federations listed below and provided as such a permanent platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices among partners and beyond. Valencian Institute of Buildings participate in this project in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Public Social Housing and Land Providers.
Coordinadores – Coordinators
Socios – Partners
- Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación / Valencian Institute of Building – IVE (Spain)
- Asociación Española de Gestores Públicos de Vivienda y Suelo – AVS (Spain)
- Building and Social Housing Foundation – BSHF (United Kingdom)
- Union of Homeowners Associations – CAC (Bulgary)
- National Consortium CasaQualità (Italy)
- Energy Market Analysis – e7 (Austria)
- Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations – EKYL (Estonia)
- Italian Public Housing Federation – Federcasa (Italy)
- Austrian Federation of Limited profit Housing Associations – GbV (Austria)
- Federal Union of German Housing and Real Estate Associations – GdW (Germany)
- National Federation of Housing Cooperatives – Legacoop Abitanti (Italy)
- National Housing Federation – NHF (United Kingdom)
- Swedish Association of Municipal Housing Companies – SABO (Sweden)
- French Federation of Social Housing Providers – USH (France)
- Flemish Agency for Social Housing – VMSW (Belgium)